
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Great Speeches!

Wonderful job yesterday on your speeches! You worked very hard and it showed. Well done!
We need to think about the next speech you'd like to make. Another persuasive speech would be a good.
Any suggestions?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

requirements for the Foods of our Countries Speeches

Goal: How can we create a short speech about our favorite foods?

Assignment for April 24 class. 

  • interview a partner or think about your favorite food from your country
  • understand, inform, report  persuade others that this food is delicious
  • write key points on index card
  • give an informal short speech-- informational and persuasive 
  • use appropriate eye contact and body language


  • Interview your partner (or write about yourself) about your favorite food from your country
  • Write KEY POINTS on 4 index cards, write big letters in a dark marker, number the cards
  • While giving your speech--Glance at your notes  only if necessary.

  1. Name of partner, country, how many years here, favorite food. How do you pronounce it?
  2. What are the ingredients? How is it prepared? Who prepares it?
  3. When and where do you eat this? Describe the food. 
  4. What makes it special or really delicious to your partner (or you)?

The foods of our country speeches and pictures


Yakisoba  Ringo

Fried rice-JinYun



yogurt sauce

Juan -pizza


Soupe jouromou Horlnestine

Hot Pot Megni


Paola Shrimp



Salade Russe--Alice


Wen Zhang

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Couple of Real Cool Sites to check out

This is an amazing place to listen to other people say words in so many languages--some I've never even heard of.

If you don't mind the endless ads--I do--then this is a really great place to learn to pronounce, use the IPA, define and use words. But the ads!

I love the vocabulary game and my score!

How do you say that? the speakers have a slight British accent but this is immensely helpful.

Learning to transcribe in IPA --quiz 3/22

Great but challenging class today. Great job everyone! Your transcription of the poem, "We Real Cool" was fantastic. Please go to the L4T blog to check  out the videos you saw in class and more.;postID=8929247572974218010

Thursday, 3/22, be prepared for a quiz, similar to what we did today. You should get familiar with the IPA, or phonetic alphabet, in order to pronounce correctly new words from the  dictionary.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

1 minute test--Assignment for Thursday, March 15.

Please take this test. Be honest when we discuss the results.

An interesting website

I just discovered this website.It looks good--so far. Check it out and let me know what you think.

IPA and pronunciation

There's nothing easy about learning the IPA......but we will try!

Welcome to our class!

Spring 2012, Communication and the Non-Native Speaker:   HUL 100
Ms. Nancy De Pas                         Tuesday and Thursday 3-4:30 room 217      
College Now: La Guardia Community College

 Required Texts and Materials:

·      Teacher created handouts and photocopies
·      Photocopies of excerpts from Accurate English by Rebecca Dauer and Beyond Language by Deena Levine and Mara Adelman
·      A good paper dictionary such as Longman Dictionary of American English or The American Heritage Dictionary for Learners of English
·      Flash drive and/or iPod type recording device to record interviews and speeches

Course Description:

         This is a course for advanced Newcomers HS students who want to improve their listening, speaking and communicative skills. This course is designed to help English Language Learners interact with native and non-native speakers of English more effectively and fluently in interpersonal, academic and business settings.  The sound systems and patterns of American English, along with cultural contexts of speech are addressed in class activities, homework, video clips, blog, dramatizations and speech presentations throughout the semester.  The course will use the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), along with exercises in listening and non-verbal communicative skills, to promote self-awareness, self-monitoring and accurate comprehension of English.


  • Students will improve their pronunciation of Standard English
  • Students will explore uses of audio technology and reflect on how such technology can help them improve their oral communication skills
  • Students will learn to work collaboratively and give
    constructive feedback to their peers

         Attendance and participation are important aspects of an oral communication course. Be here, be here on time, be prepared.  Participate as much as possible and do your homework. If you miss three or more classes, your grade will be affected.  Three latenesses can considered one full absence.
         Assignments must be prepared and turned in on time.  Presentations or assignments will not be accepted after the due date. It is as important to be able to hear and see others’ presentations as it is to do one’s own.

                  Participation in class and completion of assignments are of primary importance.  Reading the text(s) every week is mandatory to maintain good discussion skills and to succeed in potential “pop” quizzes on the IPA communication concepts and definitions of terms.

Participation (attendance, exercises, discussion, quizzes)  40%
Speeches                                                                            20%
Assignments                                                                        20%
Exams and Final Project                                                     20%

                                                SYLLABUS …to follow

Week  1:  Introduction to the course; the IPA; class interviews. 
         Assignment for Thursday: “An embarrassing language experience” interview